John Wilson’s Finest Tune: Tom Kettles
April 30, 2023 on 3:59 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Stories | Comments Off on John Wilson’s Finest Tune: Tom KettlesIn his autobiography, “A Professional Piper in Peace and War” (1979), John Wilson wrote that he considered his composition, the six-parted reel, Tom Kettles, his “finest composition”. It’s a technically tricky tune, full of interest – and original melody. As I’ve mentioned before, for me it straddles the line between hornpipe and reel, with maybe the reel vibe edging out that of the hornpipe by a hair. It’s a happy-sounding tune with a bright and lyrical – almost song-like – quality to it.
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Invented by pipers: Competition 2/4 Marches
March 26, 2023 on 6:49 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Stories, Video | Comments Off on Invented by pipers: Competition 2/4 MarchesHere’s a couple of tunes that number among my favourite: Inveran, made by one of the greatest pipers – dare I say musician – to ever live, George Stewart McLennan and Millbank Cottage by William Dumbreck, a man who held the title of Pipe Major in two regiments: The Black Watch and The Royal Scots.
This style of tune – intricate and heavily embellished with many technical figures – is a branch of pipe music that we can safely say was invented by pipers. Pipers love strathspeys but we know they were born of the fiddle. Jigs? Who knows but they likely sprung from any number of fiddlers, whistle-players and nimble singers of puirt à beul.
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A Jig, “Jenny Hazzard”: Score & Sound File
April 8, 2008 on 10:05 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Stories | 4 CommentsI’ve had a couple of notes from people looking for “more jigs”. So for the jig hounds here is a 4-parted 6/8 jig, “Jenny Hazzard”, from “Old & New Tunes“, published 1995.  I’ve played this in solo jig competitions with success and I’m pretty sure Peel Police Pipe Band played a couple of parts in a competition medley when I was PM in the mid 90s.Â
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Be Open to Something New (Also Score & Sound File: “The Oyster Wives’ Rant”)
March 17, 2008 on 11:50 am by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Tips | 7 CommentsIn honour of St Patrick’s Day, a quote from the great Irish novelist, Jonathan Swift:
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A Competition Strathspey: “The Blue Heron” (Score & Sound File)
March 16, 2008 on 4:30 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Tips | Comments Off on A Competition Strathspey: “The Blue Heron” (Score & Sound File)This tune comes from my third collection of tunes, “Old & New Tunes” (1995). The Blue Heron is a competition-style strathspey. Continue reading A Competition Strathspey: “The Blue Heron” (Score & Sound File)…
A New Hornpipe: “Sliding into Colintraive” (Score & Sound File)
March 4, 2008 on 8:32 pm by Michael Grey | In News, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Stories | 4 CommentsYet another tune from the fifth book, “Music for Everybody”; this time, “Sliding into Colintraive”. This hornpipe is the kind of tune my great teacher, the Aberdonian, George Walker, would call, “hillbilly music”. To George, anything uptempo and easily played on the fiddle would usually fall under the hillbilly category. I remember playing what I could at one Toronto Knock-out final: lots of Cape Breton reels to finish – lots of sweat. George was there and came by as I was putting the pipes away, “Ach, metty, fine playin’ but all that hillbilly music!”
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A New March: “The Valley Train” (Score & Sound File)
March 3, 2008 on 8:23 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Stories | 2 CommentsHere’s a very simple 3/4 march you may find interesting, “The Valley Train”, another tune from my fifth book. I should really have called it “The Dundas Valley Train”. That might’ve made the title a little more specific, a little more accurate, a little more meaningful – you know, the markers of good composition!
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A New Jig: “Well Away” (Score & Sound File)
February 18, 2008 on 10:23 pm by Michael Grey | In Music, Score & Sound File, Solo Piping, Technique | 2 CommentsI knew I’d been away too long from these pages when it took me 20 minutes to track down the once-memorized dunaber login and password. Thanks to the notes on my trusty Blackberry: found. Continue reading A New Jig: “Well Away” (Score & Sound File)…
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